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Rainstorm warning signals

2018-09-05  |   Editor : houguangbing  

The rainstorm warning signals are divided into four levels: blue, yellow, orange and red.

(1)Blue rainstorm warning


Criteria: rainfall will reach 50 mm within 12 hours or has already reached 50 mm and may continue.

Defense guidelines:

1)The government and relevant departments shall make preparations for rainstorm prevention according to their duties;

2)Schools and kindergartens shall take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of the students and children;

3)Drivers shall pay attention to road water-logging and traffic obstruction to ensure the safety;

4)Check the drainage system of urban areas, farmland and fish pond and make drainage preparation.

(2)Yellow rainstorm warning


Criteria: rainfall will reach 50 mm within six hours or has already reached 50 mm and may continue.

Defense guidelines:

1)The government and relevant departments shall do a good job in rainstorm prevention according to their duties;

2)The traffic administrative department shall take traffic control measures in heavy rainfall sections according to the road conditions and conduct traffic guidance in flooded sections;

3)Cut off the dangerous outdoor power supply of low-lying areas, suspend outdoor operations in open areas, and transfer people and residents in dangerous areas to safe places to take shelter from the rain;

4)Check the drainage system of urban areas, farmland and fish pond and make drainage preparation.

(3)Orange rainstorm warning


criteria: rainfall will reach 50 mm within three hours or has already reached 50 mm and may continue.

Defense guidelines:

1)The government and relevant departments shall do a good job in the rainstorm prevention and response according to their duties;

2)Cut off the dangerous outdoor power supply and suspend outdoor operations;

3)The units in the danger zone shall suspend classes and business operations and take special measures to ensure the safety of students, children and other staffs who have arrived at the school;

4)Make sure that the drainage of urban areas and farmland go on well, and pay attention to preventing possible mountain torrents, landslide, debris flow and other disasters.

(4)Red rainstorm warning


criteria: rainfall will reach 100 mm within three hours or has already reached 100 mm and may continue.

Defense guidelines:

1)The government and relevant departments shall do a good job in rainstorm prevention response and emergency rescue according to their duties;

2)Stop the assembly, and suspend the classes and business (except for special industries);

3)Do a good job in preventing and responding to disasters such as mountain torrents, landslides and debris flows.

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  • 1 High temperature
  • 2 High temperature warning signals
  • 1 Mitigation of meteorological disasters
  • 2 Main measures to mitigate meteorological disasters
  • 3 Countermeasures for disaster risk reduction