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Four principles of emergency earthquake suspension

2018-09-03  |   Editor : houguangbing  

1.Be still and wait

This is an important experience summed up in the ancient earthquake in China.

Earthquakes are different from explosions and the collapse of houses has a time process. Under normal circumstances, the occurrence processes of destructive earthquakes last a few seconds. There are about 12 seconds from people feel vibration to buildings are destroyed and there are still tens or twenties of seconds of the affective damage and collapse of buildings. Therefore, in the earthquake that just happens 12 seconds, don't panic. It's best to keep still; standing postures, view and mobility, in order to behave accordingly and quickly make decisions that can guarantee your safety according to the environment.

Facing big earthquake, people often had no time to escape so it is better to find a nearest safe corner and squat, or sit down, and try to curle up the body as far as possible to reduce the center of body weight. Pay attention to protect the head and spine and quickly evacuate to a safe place after the vibration.Brief, it is "be still and wait".

2.Act according to circumstances

In an earthquake, the environment and conditions of each of us are very different so the way of avoiding earthquakes is not the same and we should analyze according to the situation.

For example, most of the rural areas in the north of China are bungalows. Most of the rooms are covered with beds and bars and courtyards are open and spacious and there are no tall buildings in the surrounding. When an earthquake occurs, be sure to act decisively, or avoid the side of a nearby bed, cabinet, or escape emergently. Don't hesitate and tread as on eggs.

Don't stand in the yard after you get out of the bungalow. The best place to go is the side of the road or the spacious and open area. If possible, hug a tree again because the root will make the foundation strong, and the crown can prevent falling objects.

If you live in a building, it is best not to leave the room when an earthquake occurs. It should find relatively safe places quickly to avoid earthquakes and to evacuate quickly after the earthquake.

Heating pipes are of great use in urban earthquake emergency. The bearing capacity is big and they are not easy to break; they are of good ventilation, which is not easy to cause people to choke; The water in the pipeline can also prolong the survival of the trapped person. In addition, the trapped personnel can also transmit information by hitting the radiator.

3.Search trianglular for safe

The goal of earthquake self-help is very clear. It is necessary to take self - rescue measures against the roof and choke. Do not interfere with your actions due to avoiding the general fall. In a word, it is better to be wounded than to die.

Don't worry about the drop of indoor lights, heavy objects and equipment. The height of a city room is usually just over a metre higher than the height of a person, and even you are wounded, it is not fatal. For the caving of the ceiling, we should hide quickly after locating position, namely hiding beside objects with large support capacity and good stability, such as metal cabinet, cabinet, central heating, large equipment and it is best to near the narrow place, such as bathroom, storage room. Because there are load-bearing walls in these places, they can withstand the general falling weight.

The aim is to use the natural triangle space formed by upholder and cement board when the roof collapses . In this space, it is easy to breathe, and convenient for others to help. This also reminds us that we should observe which places can form such triangular space in normal times.

It must be noted that you can only be close to the support instead of getting in and even lying in it. Because once people got into narrow space such as desk and chair, bed and cabinet, they lose the mobility. Not only their view is blocked, but also limbs were tied down, so people are very easy to meet joint damage, which not only makes them miss the chance of escapinge, also gives great inconvenience to relief work after the disaster.

It is not advisable to avoid earthquakes with lying posture, because the plane area of the human body is enlarged, the probability of being hit increases. What‘s more, it is difficult to move flexibly when lying down.

4.Be near to the water, not fire; be in the outside not inside

Avoid being near to stoves, gas lines and household appliances in order to avoid direct threats of fire, gas leaks, and electrical short circuits. Be close to water, which is a direct requirement of life. Do not choose the inside position of the building, but be close to the outer wall as possible, and also remind that try to avoid the fragile parts such as the corner and side wall.

The above four principles of avoiding earthquakes are the most basic principles that should be followed to avoid earthquakes. Of course, the most important, however, is the responsiveness of the parties and the abilitiy to take the corresponding measures of safety in accordance with the actual circumstances.

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