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The Sixth International Workshop for Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service

The Sixth International Workshop for Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service

Time:December 12, 2022

Beijing . China


Hosted by

International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology under the Auspices of UNESCO (IKCEST)

Disaster Risk Reduction Unit and Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Section, Natural Sciences Sector, UNESCO

Organized by

Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGSNRR, CAS)

Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service of IKCEST (IKCEST-DRR)

Supported by

Alliance of International Science Organizations on Disaster Risk Reduction (ANSO-DRR)

Integrated Research on Disaster Risk International Programme Office (IRDR IPO)

China-Pakistan Joint Research Center on Earth Sciences (CPJRC)

National Earth System Science Data Center


Frequent disasters have been a serious threat to human life and social development. In light of the global need for disaster prevention and mitigation and driven by UNESCO’s mission to reduce disaster risk, International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology under the Auspices of UNESCO (IKCEST) and UNESCO DRR Section will co-host the Sixth International Workshop for Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service.


Open Science and Disaster Risk Reduction Action

Venue (Online)

Zoom ID: 883 1026 0965

Meeting code: 2022DRR

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88310260965?pwd=Z0hVUVZHS2JQTEVMT1g1dzdnbUl1UT09

Zoom tools download: https://zoom.us/download

Live broadcast Website: https://live.ckcest.cn/open/pc/play?id=10001266

Conference Information Website: https://ikcest-drr.osgeo.cn/

Contact information

Prof. WANG Juanle,Deputy Director of Department for Geo-data Science and Sharing, E-mail: wangjl@igsnrr.ac.cn

Dr. LIU Chang (Cathy),Secretary General, International Knowledge Centre of Engineering Sciences and Technology (IKCEST) under the Auspices of UNESCO, E-mail: liuchang@cae.cn

Ms. YUAN Yuelei,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, E-mail: yuanyl@lreis.ac.cn


December 12, 2022 (Beijing time GMT+8)

Opening Ceremony

Moderator: Prof. WANG Juanle, Executive Director of Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service of IKCEST


Opening Remarks:

Mr. Shahbaz KHAN (夏泽翰), Director of UNESCO Beijing Office

Mr. TIAN Qi, Executive Deputy Director of IKCEST, Director General of Department of International Cooperation, Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE)

Mr. YI Zhijun, Senior Manager of Bureau of International Cooperation Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

Group Photo

SessionⅠ Progress for Open Science Actions in IKCESTes
Moderator: Dr. LIU Chang, Secretary General of IKCEST under the Auspices of UNESCO


IKCEST: An Open Knowledge Platform for Engineering Sciences and Technology

Dr. LIU Chang

Secretary General of IKCEST under the Auspices of UNESCO


Open Data Master Directory Support Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Services

Prof. WANG Juanle

Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Clearinghouse: Practice of metadata service system integration for DRRKS

BU Kun / Senior Engineer

Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences



SessionⅡ Panel Discussion
(Topic: how each organization promotes Open Science?)

Moderator: Prof. HAN Qunli, Executive Director of the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk


(3 mins for each)

Mr. Soichiro YASUKAWA, Chief of the Disaster Risk Reduction Unit, Natural Sciences Sector, UNESCO.

Dr. Ana PERSIC, Programme Specialist for Science Policy and Partnerships at the Division of Science Policy and Capacity Building at the UNESCO

Prof. Gretchen KALONJI, Dean of the Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction (IDMR), Sichuan University-Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Dr. Daisy SELEMATSELA,University Librarian at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits University)

Ms. Jutta MAY,Information and Knowledge Management Specialist

MinfoStud, GradDipInfoStud Member AALIA(CP), AIIM, IIM, PARBICA

Senior Engineer, TANG Xu,Fudan University - Institute of Atmospheric Sciences Management and Reconstruction

Ms. LIAN Fang, The Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR-IPO)

Prof. HONG Tianhua, China-Pakistan Joint Research Center on Earth Sciences (CPJRC)

Prof. YANG Saini, School of National Safety and Emergency Management, Academy of Disaster Reduction and Emergency Management, Beijing Normal University; Director, International Cooperative Research Center for Disaster Risk Reduction, Beijing Normal University

Prof. LI Guoqing, Director of National Earth Observation Data Center of China (NODA), Director of ChinaGEOSS Data Sharing Network, Aerospace Information Research Institute in the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Open discussion for 10 mins

Session Ⅲ DRR field applications for open data

Moderator: Dr. YANG Fei, Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service of IKCEST


Pacific disaster displacement data - a case study

Ms. Jutta MAY

Information and Knowledge Management Specialist MinfoStud, GradDipInfoStud Member AALIA(CP), AIIM, IIM, PARBICA


Big Earth data view of climate extremes and disasters

Prof. JIA Gensuo

Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences


News media analytics for urban flood management and resilience

Associate Prof. Faith, Ka Shun CHAN & LU Xiaohui

School of Geographical Sciences & Nottingham University Business School, University of Nottingham Ningbo China


South African SDG Hub: Advancing SDGs through repositories and Open Journal Systems


University of the Witwatersrand Libraries;

Deputy Director and Head of Scholarly Communications, Digital Systems and Services at the University of Pretoria Libraries, South Africa. Executive Board member of NDLTD. Executive Board Member of the NDLTD.


Approach and practice: Collaborated network on Disaster Data Response

Dr. ZHANG Lianchong

Deputy Director of National Earth Observation Data Center (NODA)


Summary Mr. Soichiro Yasukawa