- 2021.09.06: Earthquake Information of 140 km ENE of Kashgar, China
- 2020.08.09: Earthquake Information of 234 km WSW of Qamdo, China
- 2020.06.25: Earthquake Information of 279 km SE of Hotan, China
- April 5, 2018 Earthquake Information of 141km SE of Yanqi, China
- 2021.09.03: Earthquake Information of 40 km SE of Xunchang, China
- 2022.06.01: Earthquake Information of 45 km W of Linqiong, China
- Weibo DataSet related to the Earthquake in Tangshan, China (2020)
- Web news text dataset of typhoon in China(2004-2018)
- May 6, 2018 Earthquake Information of 178km NNW of Gyegu, China
- November 9, 2019 Earthquake Information of 27km WSW of Zhongcheng, China