- July 4, 2019 Earthquake Information of 9km SW of Changning, China
- June 28, 2017 Earthquake Information of China
- 2020.07.31: Earthquake Information of 242 km WSW of Qamdo, China
- 2020.05.21: Earthquake Information of 33km E of Junlian, China
- July 21, 2019 Earthquake Information of 36km S of Yongbei, China
- Earthquake data of 1990-2015 in Qinghai - Tibet Plateau
- Dataset of precipitation from 1980 to 2010 between China, Russia and Mongolia
- 2020.07.04: Earthquake Information of 275 km SE of Hotan, China
- October 21, 2018 Earthquake Information of 57km WNW of Kuqa, China
- February 18, 2018 Earthquake Information of 4km WNW of Qifo, China