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Main tributaries of Liaohe River-Wulijimulun River

2018-03-06  |   Editor : jiping  
Category : Natural Sciences

Wulijimulun River, a tributary of West Liao River, with a name meaning "river of happiness" in Mogolian, was called Changlang River in history. It originates from Mount Bayanwulan in Chifeng City in Inner Mongolia and joins West Liao River with Xinkai River in Jerim League. It has a length of 598 km and 33,400 square km.

The main tributaries of Wulijimulun River are Wulandaba River, Haoertu River, ShaliRiver, Oumulun River and Heimulun River, etc. It also has some tributaries which have joined it since 80s in 20th century: Baiyinjuliu River, Shengli River, Wulugeqi River Duqiyingzi River, etc.

Most part of the middle and up stream locates in hilly area, where there are many valleys, and it is the main runoff region of Wulijimulun River. Below the main stream Baqilouzi, the river flows from west to east into plains,the river beds get shallower and the valleys get wider. The drop turns small and no tributaries join.

Below Meilin temple in Jarud Banner, a new river formed after a flood in 1985 and has been called North River. North River is 260 km long, and is arc-shaped.

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