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Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service-Prof. Juanle Wang

Date: 2020-11-26      View counts: 3156    


"Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service System" (http://drr.ikcest.org) is in charge of the International Engineering Science and Technology Knowledge Center of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, undertaken by the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Northeast Geography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences participates in the design and development of a professional system for disasters with the Institute of Agricultural Ecology. Combining the overall requirements of IKCEST and user needs, the DRRKS system performs small-scale upgrades on the interface design, functional interfaces, and technical tools of the website portal. Modify the interface style of the functional modules to optimize the platform user experience.

Name of reporter
Prof. Juanle Wang
Title of reporter
Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service-Prof. Juanle Wang
Organization of reporter
Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research
Training Year
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