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Operate Vector Data with OGR Library

Operate Vector Data with OGR Library

The OGR vector library provides a simple vector data reading and writing tool that is part of the GDAL. In the previous chapter, we have already introduced it with GDAL, so this chapter directly explains how to use the OGR library to read, write, and process vector data.

In addition, for vector data, spatial analysis can be performed based on the GEOS library. GEOS (Geometry Engine - Open Source) is the C++ interface to the JTS (JTS Topology Suite) Topology Toolbox. It has the OpenGIS standard spatial object manipulation capabilities and the enhanced topology computing capabilities provided by JTS. GEOS is currently the most widely used C++ geospatial aggregate function library. It is used in open source software such as PostGIS, QGIS, GDAL/OGR, MapServer, and proprietary software such as FME. In Debian, and common Linux distributions, GEOS is generally integrated with OGR. However, since Python has another Shapely toolkit that can implement spatial analysis, the use of GEOS is not covered separately in this chapter, but is described in the [chapter_shapely] chapter.

  • 1 Software Installation and Environment Configuration
  • 1 OGR introduction