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Estonia - Country basic information

National Emblem
National Emblem

Editor : houxue2018
Label :
Language : Estonian
Founding Year : 1918-02-24
Introduction to the national emblem : Estonian National Emblem is based on the original Estonian province and the capital Tallinn emblem, the central pattern is three blue lions on the golden ground. These lions date back to the 13th century when Denmark ruled. At the base of the national emblem are green branches and leaves of Nordic oak. Estonian history is a history of struggle against alien conquest, the Estonian nation has experienced many vicissitudes and has always maintained its unique cultural tradition and national habits. The national emblem of Estonia is a vivid portrayal of Estonian history and culture.
  • Basic national information database of Estonia

Brief Introduction

The Republic of Estonia is one of the three Baltic countries in Eastern Europe, it faces the Baltic Sea in the west, the Gulf of Finland in the north, and borders on Latvian and Russia in the South and East respectively. In 1991, after Lithuania declared its independence, Estonia also became independent, with Tallinn as its capital.

The name of Estonia (Eesti) may be derived from the group of people called Tacitus described in the book of Germania Tacitus, an ancient Roman historian. Although Estonia is generally poor in resources, its land still has a small but rich variety of resources.

The country also has a lot of oil shale and limestone and forests covering 47% of the territory. Due to its fast-growing economy and advanced information technology, Estonia is often called "the Baltic tiger", the world bank lists Estonia as a high-income country.

He joined the European Union in 2004 and became a member of the European Union. It joined the euro area in 2011.

The Estonian nation was formed in the 12th and 13th centuries. It was occupied and ruled by Prussia, Denmark, Sweden, Poland and Germany. Since 1710, Estonia was ruled by Tsarist Russia for more than 200 years. On February 24, 1918, it declared its independence and established the Republic of Estonia. The next day, the German army occupied Tallinn. In November of the same year, Soviet Russia declared its sovereignty over Estonia.