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Water cover data of Mongolia with spatial resolution of 30m(1990)

Water cover data of Mongolia with spatial resolution of 30m(1990)

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Date: 2018-06-02

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This dateset was water cover data of Mongolia, one of the subsets of Mongolian land cover dataset. It used the Albers projection, based on WGS-1984 geographic coordinate system. This data was interpreted on the basis of Landsat TM/etm+ remote sensing image and has 9 first classes including forest land, grassland, wet land, cultivated land, water, tundra,construction land, bare land and snow. The classfication accuracy is 82.26% and can be used for the study of land use/cover change in Mongolia, land management, planning and design of urban city.

Technology of photogrammetry and remote sensing (Remote Sensing Information Engineering other technologies), Cartography, Geography (Physical geography, Human geography, Regional geography, Urban geography, Tourism Geography) et al.
The dataset is stored in the hard disk and it is raster data. It can be opened by ArcGIS software under Windows operator system.
Wang Juanle, et al. Email: ikcest-drr@lreis.ac.cn
Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, A11 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101
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Sharing Type: Open
The source of this dataset is Landsat TM remote sensing images which is downed on the internet and the result is obtained by object-oriented classification method with eCogniton software.
Service type
Data citation: Water cover data of Mongolia with spatial resolution of 30m(1990). Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service of International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology (IKCEST) under the Auspices of UNESCO, 2014.9.13, http://drr.ikcest.org/info/963cd.
Contributor agency
Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Data citation
Water cover data of Mongolia with spatial resolution of 30m (1990). Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service of International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology (IKCEST) under the Auspices of UNESCO, 2014.9.13, http://drr.ikcest.org/info/963cd.
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Service group of Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service System of IKCEST
Responsible address
A11 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
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