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Case 2-Influenza

2020-02-27  |   Editor : houxue2018  

(1) Overview of influenza

Influenza (influenza) is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza virus. It is also a highly contagious and fast-transmitting disease. Once the flu spreads, the harm is extremely serious. For example, in 1917-1919, the Spanish flu (virus type H1N1) epidemic broke out in Europe, killing 20 million people (the death toll in the First World War was only 8.5 million), the most in history. A serious flu epidemic. From 1968 to 1969, the flu began in Hong Kong, with 700,000 deaths worldwide, including more than 30,000 in the United States.

Source of infection: Influenza patients and latent infections are the main source of infection. It is contagious 1 to 7 days after the onset of the disease, and the most infectious is 2 to 3 days at the beginning of the disease. Animals such as pigs, cattle, and horses may spread the flu.

Route of transmission: The main focus is on airborne droplets. The influenza virus survives for about 0.5 hours in the air and contaminates daily necessities.

Susceptible people: generally susceptible, have a certain immunity after the disease. Between the three types of influenza, different subtypes of influenza A, there is no cross-immunization, and repeated onset.

Typical clinical symptoms: rapid onset, chills, fever, body temperature rises to peak within hours to 24 hours, 39~40 °C or even higher. With headache, body aches, fatigue, loss of appetite. Respiratory symptoms are mild, sore throat,dry cough, there may be diarrhea: facial flushing: conjunctival congestion of the eye conjunctiva, pharyngeal congestion, follicles and other symptoms on the soft palate.

Popular season: all seasons can occur, mainly in winter and spring. The flu epidemic is also seen in the south in summer and autumn.

(2) Treatment and prevention of influenza

①How to deal with fever

One of the symptoms of the flu is fever, which can sometimes be as high as 39 to 40 °C. At this time, many people take antipyretics, or use alcohol to rub the body, or ice to remove fever. In fact, at the high temperature of 39~40 °C, the reproduction of influenza virus is inhibited. It can be said that fever is a signal that the body's immune system is preparing to fight. If forced to suppress, it will only weaken its own resistance and help the virus to multiply. Some people also propose to wear less clothes to dissipate heat. In fact, whether it is wind-heat or cold, there are chills, even if there is high heat in the body. Therefore, what should be done is to wear enough clothes to keep warm and not to take antipyretics (especially self-medication), otherwise it will be a mistake.

②Principle of prevention

Several common small measures to prevent influenza: ——The indoors often open windows to keep the air fresh.

——Less to crowded public places to avoid getting infected with the flu virus.

——Strengthen outdoor physical exercise and improve the body's resistance to disease.

——The weather in autumn and winter is changeable, pay attention to adding and subtracting clothes.

—— Drink more water and eat more light food.

——Inject the flu vaccine.

——Nasal wash can help the body clear the flu virus out of the nasal cavity in the presence of predisposing factors, thus greatly reducing the chance of infection.

——Winter hot water soaking feet, it is best to massage the feet when soaking, it can promote blood circulation and prevent colds.

——Protect your nose and mouth, and wear a mask to effectively protect yourself from viruses and self-interest.

——Salt water gargle, it can be used to rinse the mouth with a light salt water after going home every day to remove a large number of germs in the mouth, which is a very effective prevention method.

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