The WMO President, Mr D. Grimes, opened the eighteenth session of the World Meteorological Congress on Monday, 3 June 2019 at 10 a.m. in the International Conference Centre Geneva. The President welcomed the WMO Members and other Congress participants extending a warm welcome to Andorra and Nauru for having acceded to the WMO Convention since the last Congress. The list of participants is given in the appendix to the present report. In reflecting on the last four years, the President noted that since the last Congress the urgency to address climate change and socioeconomic impacts of extreme weather, water and climate events has led to an unprecedented worldwide mobilization. The Paris Agreement, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development have made environmental issues central to the Global Agenda. New and growing demands to support resilience to hazards and adaptation to climate change have led to a growing role and importance of WMO and its Members, which need to be prepared with a clear vision on the Organization’s governance structure and proceed with efforts for continuous improvements of processes and procedures.
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