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防灾减灾科普知识竞答  Knowledge Competition about DRR: (https://ikcest-drr.osgeo.cn)

Emergency response begins with awareness, prevention starts with action. Only when every individual raises awareness about DRR, we can better avoid disaster risks and more effectively protect ourselves and our family members. That is the ultimate line of defense against disaster risks.

Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service of IKCEST (DRRKS) will organize a knowledge competition about DRR during May 12-31.

Come on and sign up for prizes.

  A. 2012年9月
      September 2012
  B. 2012年6月
      June 2012
  C. 2014年9月
      September 2014
  D. 2014年6月
      June 2014
  A. 制定全球灾害元数据标准,构建全球灾害元数据库
      Draw up global standard or best practice on disaster metadata, establish global disaster meta-database.
  B. 整合地震、干旱和洪水灾害方面的跨学科、跨领域和跨地区的数据及信息资源,推动灾害风险降低方面的数据库开发方法和知识信息服务模式
      Integrate cross-disciplinary, cross-field and cross-region data and information resources in earthquake, draught and flood disaster, Push forward the database development method and the knowledge information service model on disaster risk reduction.
  C. 以大数据挖掘和分析技术为支撑,建立减灾知识服务系统
      Establish the DRR knowledge service system with the support of big data mining and analysis techniques.
  D. 开展灾害防治教育、培训和技术推广
      Carry out education, training and technology exchange on disaster risk reduction.
  A. 火山
  B. 地震、滑坡、洪水
      Earthquakes, landslides, floods
  C. 干旱
  D. 飓风
  A. 绿色基础设施开发
      Green infrastructure development
  B. 实施低排放区
      Implement low-emission zones
  C. 推广可再生能源使用
      Promote the use of renewable energy
  D. 采用抗气候变化的建筑设计
      Adopt climate-resilient building design
  A. 向泥石流上游方向躲避
      Escape towards the upstream direction of the mudslide
  B. 向泥石流下游方向躲避
      Escape towards the downstream direction of the mudslide
  C. 向泥石流垂直方向躲避
      Escape perpendicular to the direction of the mudslide
  D. 躲在树上
      Climb up a tree
  A. 迅速披上塑料雨衣,携带财物,边奔跑边呼救。
      Quickly put on a plastic raincoat, take belongings, and run while shouting for help.
  B. 大声呼救,等待人员来救援
      Call for help loudly and wait for rescuers to arrive.
  C. 迅速放低身体,用湿毛巾捂住嘴鼻,尽快逃离火场
      Quickly lower your body, cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel, and escape from the fire scene as soon as possible.
  D. 以上都可以。
      All of the above options.
  A. 在身上捆绑重物,防止被洪水冲跑
      Tie heavy objects to yourself to prevent being washed away by floodwaters
  B. 迅速向屋顶、大树、高墙等处转移
      Quickly move to rooftops, large trees, high walls, or other elevated areas
  C. 以静制动
      Stay put and wait
  D. 把财物用防水布包裹起来
      Wrap belongings in waterproof fabric
  A. 用打火机
      Using a lighter
  B. 用肥皂水
      Using soapy water
  C. 用耳朵听
      Listening with ears
  D. 用鼻子闻
      Smelling with the nose
  A. 骑自行车穿越深水区
      Ride bicycles through deep water areas
  B. 驾车穿越积水路段
      Drive through flooded roads
  C. 游泳穿过涨水的河道
      Swim across swollen rivers
  D. 躲避到房顶上等待救援
      Take refuge on the rooftop to wait for rescue
  A. 用板条封住窗户和门
      Board up windows and doors
  B. 靠近海岸线以监视风暴
      Approach the coastline to monitor the storm
  C. 准备紧急物资
      Prepare emergency supplies
  D. 出门体验风暴
      Go out to experience the storm
Please fill in your personal information ,so that we can mail the prize