The International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology (shortened as "IKCEST" ) is a category 2 centre under the auspices of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (shortened as "UNESCO"). IKCEST was established on June 2, 2014. The Chinese Academy of Engineering is responsible for the operation and management of IKCEST. Under the auspices of UNESCO, IKCEST is a comprehensive and international knowledge centre devoted to the engineering sciences, technology and applied technology. IKCEST aims at connecting engineering sciences and technology institutions globally, assembling various digital resources relating to engineering sciences and technology, building up a public data service platform and corresponding service environment, and coordinating the building of various professional knowledge systems, thus providing knowledge-based services at a global scale in the form of consultancies, scientific research and education for policy-makers, engineering science and technology professionals in the world, with particular reference to the developing countries.
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