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Djibouti - Country basic information

National Emblem
National Emblem

Editor : houxue2018
Label :
Language : French, Arabic
Founding Year : 1977-06-27
Introduction to the national emblem : The central pattern of the national emblem of the state of Djibouti is composed of five-pointed star, spears, knives and shields. A pair of black hands each held a sharp knife, between the two knives was a round shield, behind the shield was a spear, on the top of the spear was a red five pointed star symbolizing independence and freedom. The design is decorated with green olive branches. The whole design symbolizes that the people of Djibouti are always ready to defend the independence and freedom of the motherland, and also express the people's good wishes for peace.

Brief Introduction

Djibouti (French: La République de Djibouti, Afar: Gabuutih), Afar means "boiling steamer". Located on the west bank of the Gulf of Aden in northeastern Africa, it is the key to the Red Sea entering the Indian Ocean, borders Somalia in the southeast, Ethiopia in the southwest, west and northwest, and Eritrea in the north.

The terrain in Djibouti is complex, with towering volcanoes and deep lakes, most of them are volcanic plateaus with low altitude, deserts and volcanoes account for 90% of the national area with low-lying plains and lakes. The southern part is mostly plateau and mountainous area, with an altitude of 500-800 meters. ASAR Lake in the northern end of the rift zone is 150 meters below sea level, which is the lowest point in Africa. The altitude of Musa Ali Mountain in the north is 2010 meters, which is the highest point in the country.