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Russia - Country basic information

National Emblem
National Emblem

Editor : houxue2018
Label :
Language : Russian
Founding Year : 1991-12-25
Introduction to the national emblem : The national emblem of Russia is the coat of arms. On November 30, 1993, Russia decided to adopt the national emblem of the era of Ivan the Terrible before the October Revolution, with the double headed eagle as the pattern: a golden double headed eagle on the red shield, three crowns of Peter the great on the head of the eagle, and the eagle claws hold the scepter and golden ball symbolizing the imperial power.

Brief Introduction

The Russian Federation(Russian:Российская Федерация, English:The Russian Federation) commonly known as Russia, consists of 22 autonomous republics, 46 states, 9 frontier regions, 4 autonomous regions, 1 Autonomous Prefecture and 3 federal municipalities directly under the central government. Russia is located in the north of Eurasia, spanning two continents of Eurasia, with a land area of 17.0754 million square kilometers, which is the largest country in the world.

The ancestor of the Russ is the Roth tribe of the East Slavic people. At the end of the 15th century, Duke Ivan III established the Grand Duchy of Moscow, Ivan IV called himself czar in 1547 and established tsarist Russia, in 1721, Peter I changed his name to Russian Empire. He took the road of aggression and expansion, he once annexed many countries in Europe and Asia, and its territory expanded continuously, in the 19th century, through unequal treaties, Ivan IV occupied more than 1.5 million square kilometers of territory in northern China, such as Sakhalin Island and Vladivostok, during World War II, Outer Mongolia became independent from China, which led to the loss of 1.73 million square kilometers of territory again, causing great harm to the Chinese nation.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union on December 25, 1991, Russia, the largest member country, officially became independent and inherited most of the Soviet Union's military strength, its comprehensive military strength ranks second and has the largest nuclear weapons depot in the world, in the international system of "one superpower and multiple big-powers", Russia is a powerful country with great influence, its military industry strength is strong, especially its aerospace technology, which ranks in the forefront of the world. Russia is also one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and has one vote veto over the Council's proposal, in addition, Russia is one of the five BRICs countries.

It covers an area of 17.0982 million square kilometers (accounting for 76.3% of the territory of the former Soviet Union and 11.4% of the earth's land area), and its water area accounts for 13%, making it the largest country in the world. It is 9000 km long from east to west, spanning 11 time zones, and 4000 km wide from north to south, spanning four climatic zones. With the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol joining Russia, Russia's territory has increased by 25500 square kilometers.