Label: World Data System
Date: 2017-05-30
Editor : be_yonding
View counts: 8253
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Mustapha Mokrane Ph.D.
International Workshop on Northeast Asia-Central Asia Regional Resources and Environment Data Sharing
Research is increasingly international, transdisciplinary, and data-enabled, which requires scrupulous data stewardship, full and open access to data. New expectations on researchers from governments and funders to share data fully, openly, and in a timely manner present significant challenges and opportunities to improve quality, efficiency and accountability to society. Researchers should be able to archive and disseminate data, and civil society to scrutinize datasets. Trustworthiness of data services must be verifiable. In addition, the need to integrate large and complex datasets across disciplines and domains with variable levels of maturity calls for better coordination to achieve interoperability and sustainability.
WDS promotes long-term stewardship of, and universal and equitable access to, quality-assured scientific data. It coordinates and supports trusted scientific data services for the provision, use, and preservation of datasets to facilitate scientific research. It certifies its members—holders and providers of data—using internationally recognized standards, providing the building blocks of a searchable common infrastructure from which a data system that is both interoperable and distributed can be formed.
This presentation will describe more specifically activities developed by its Scientific Committee to:(1)Improve and stimulate basic level Certification for Scientific Data Services, in particular through collaboration with the Data Seal of Approval. (2)Identify and define best practices for Publishing Data and to test implementation by involving the core stakeholders i.e. researchers, institutions, data centres, scholarly publishers, and funders.(3)Establish an open WDS Metadata Catalogue, Knowledge Network, and Global Registry of Trusted Data Services.
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