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Progress and development plan of Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service System of IKCEST

Date: 2018-12-28      View counts: 5582    


Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service is affiliated to the International Knowledge Center for Engineering Sciences and Technology (IKCEST) under the auspices of UNESCO. Faced with the tasks from Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 - 2030, the DRR department of UNESCO raised the needs to IKCEST for the construction of global disaster meta-database, creation of DRR educational platform, including on-line educational modules and the other needs about the disaster risk and reduction. This report will make a brief introduction about the objectives, structure, progress highlights, and development plan of Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service.

Name of reporter
Juanle Wang
Title of reporter
Ph.D. Professor
Organization of reporter
Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research , Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGSNRR, CAS)
Training Year
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