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Sun Jiulin

Sun Jiulin

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He is a National Expert with outstanding contribution and academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering.

Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS
National Expert with outstanding contribution and academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering. He is currently serve as the deputy director of the Academic Committee of the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, and director of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Data Center for resources and Environmental Sciences, deputy director of China Academy of Sciences Database and information system engineering expert committee of Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences professor. Members of the Committee of experts, the National Disaster Reduction Committee of the state Scientific data sharing project a member of expert committee. ICSU World Data Center Executive Committee and the National Coordination Committee of the Secretary General Chinese. At the same time is the national disaster prevention and mitigation committee experts.
Xi'an Jiaotong University
Work Experience
From December 1999 to the present, He has served as a researcher in the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS, doctoral tutor, From August 1997 to December 1999, he was served in the Natural Resources Comprehensive Investigation Committee of CAS State Planning Commission, as a researcher, doctoral tutor, From March 1992 to August 1997, he was the deputy director of Resources and Agricultural Comprehensive Research Center of CAS, National Commission for Agricultural Regionalization, as well as deputy director of the Comprehensive Investigation Committee of CAS. From March 1978 to December 1990, he was the director of Comprehensive Investigation Committee Land and Resources Information Research Office of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Mr Sun Jiulin is one of the leading leaders in geo-information science and agricultural information science. He has long been engaged in the application of information science and technology in resource environment and agriculture. He has completed a number of national research projects and solved a series of key technologies. He has achieved 15 major achievements, published 11 monographs and more than 80 papers. During the 10th Five-Year Plan, he presided over the national science and technology basic project, inclding " Improve and Service for China Geo-Science Data Center ", the knowledge innovation frontier project of Chinese Academy of Sciences, "Database and Information System of China natural resources ", international cooperation projects " Global Warming Impact Model "and" Asia-Pacific Environmental Innovation Strategy Research "and so on.
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