Online calculation tool for boiler coal consumption

Category: EIA

App Description

The calculation method of boiler coal consumption is applied to environmental image evaluation.

$$ G= \frac {D(i''-i')}{Q_低η} $$

G——Boiler coal consumption, kg/h;

D——the steam production per hour of the boiler, kg/h;

Qlow——the low calorific value of coal, kcal/kg;

Η——thermal efficiency of the boiler, %;

i'' - the boiler is heated at a certain working pressure, saturated steam, kcal / kg;

i' ——Boiler feed water heat 焓kcal/kg, generally calculate feed water temperature 20 °C, then =20kcal/kg

Usage example

Input data:

D—Boiler's hourly steam production: 10

Q—low calorific value of coal: 45

Eta—Boiler Thermal Efficiency: 75

I1—Boiler at a working pressure, saturated steam enthalpy: 45

I2—Boiler feed water is hot, generally calculate feed water temperature 20 °C then i2=20:30

Click "Calculate" to output the data:

Boiler coal consumption: 0.44


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