Material quality water absorption online calculator

App Description

The so-called mass water absorption rate refers to the mass ratio of the water contained in the material to the mass ratio of the material in the dry state, which is called the moisture content of the material. When the material is saturated with water, its water content is called water absorption.

The water content varies with the environment, while the water absorption rate is a fixed value. The water absorption rate of the material can be said to be the maximum moisture content of the material.

Mass water absorption calculation formula: \(W quality = \frac {m2-m1}{m1} \times 100%\)

In the formula:

M2-the total mass of the material after absorption of moisture, kg

M1-the mass of the material in the dry state, kg

Usage example

Input data:

M2-The total mass of the material after absorption of moisture: 540kg M1-material quality in dry state: 500kg

Click to calculate, output data

Calculation results:

Water absorption rate: 0.08


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