Common gas ppm and concentration online conversion calculator

M =
The unit of expression is ppm
Xppm =
The unit of expression is mg/m3
Xmg/m3 =

The concentration of the solute mass in parts per million of the mass of the solution, also known as the parts per million. PPM is the parts per million or parts per million. It has been used in pesticide applications in the past to indicate the concentration of the spray solution, that is, the number of parts of the active ingredient contained in one million sprays. According to the international regulations, the ppm is no longer expressed in ppm, but it is unified in micrograms/ml or milligrams/liter or grams per cubic meter.

The conversion formula between parts per million and percentage is:

Parts per million = percentage X10 000

That is, the percentage multiplied by 10 000 is the parts per million. Conversely, the division of the parts per million by 10 000 is the percentage.


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