Calculate the correlation coefficient of two-dimensional discrete distribution online

Calculate the correlation coefficient ρ of a two-dimensional discrete random vector (X, Y) with only a finite number of values, and the obtained for the correlation coefficient ρ Mathematical expectations of X and YE(X),E(Y),variance is D(X),D(Y),标准差σXY</su

In the input box below, enter three sets of data separated by two "|" characters. Each real number of each set of data is separated by a comma. These real numbers can be entered as fractions, for example, 2/3 represents three points. Second, you can also enter in decimal form.

The first set of data is all possible values for X is x1,x2,...,xn,The second set of data is Y all possible values are y1,y2,...,ym,The third set of data is (X,Y) probability of all possible pairs of values p11,p12,...,p1n, p21,p22,...,p2n,...pm1,pm2,...,pmn

Click the "Start Calculation" button after entering the data and you will get the desired calculation result.


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